Forgive. Heal. Thrive.
Breakthrough the beliefs that are holding you back.
Hypnotherapy. NLP Coaching. Energy Healing.
I can help you to…

Here are some of the areas I’ve helped my clients thrive in.
RELATIONSHIPS - Find Love, Recover From Divorce, Heal Relationship Issues
Here are some of the common relationship issues I have helped my clients overcome.
You’re in a pattern of picking a partner that isn’t suitable. This could be a partner that won’t commit to a long term relationship or who has affairs.
You are in a relationship where there is jealousy or a lack of trust.
You’re divorced and you’re trying to get over the impact of the divorce, so you can rebuild your life.
If you are reading this thinking, that’s me, then I can help you.
I’ve helped hundreds of men and women over the years move on with their lives in a positive, healthy way. Helping them create the long term relationships they have always dreamed of.
STRESS - Remove Anxiety & Stress From Your Life
More and more people are finding themselves in situations where they feel anxious and stressed. Especially now.
Our workplaces are often stressful environments. But not having work is equally stressful. Homelife can be stressful. Relationships can be stressful.
Sometimes it feels like there’s nowhere you can go to get away from the stress. And this makes us even more anxious about making decisions and choices.
If this is you, I can help you. I’ve helped hundreds of people overcome their stress and anxiety quickly and easily. Freeing them up to live a full and happy life.
Get in touch now. I’m here to help you.
SELF-WORTH - Have More Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Worth.
If you have low confidence, self-esteem or self-worth it can really impact your day-to-day living and your chances of succeeding in life. The reason is, these issues often cause us to self-sabotage.
I ran an unconscious ‘program’ around self-worth for decades. This unconscious ‘program’ caused me to self-sabotage life changing events, like not making a movie with a well known studio, when it was offered to me. So I know from firsthand experience the impact these kinds of limiting beliefs can have on your life.
The great news is, you don’t have to live with these issues any longer.
Get in touch today to learn how to overcome come them.
BEHAVIOURS - Stop Behaviours That Are Holding You Back
We all have great behaviours and well… not so great behaviours. You know those behaviours that end up causing problems for us. These could be obvious behaviours like procrastination or doing the things we know we shouldn’t.
There are also other more deeply rooted behaviours that are causing us problems, but we don’t know what’s driving them.
Imagine this. You get told to change your behaviours by a partner, friend or even your boss. You try to change. You want to change. But for some reason, you just keep doing the same old behaviours.
Whatever your unwanted behaviour is, you can change it with a little help. A lot of our behaviours are run by your unconscious mind. That’s why many people struggle to change their behaviours consciously.
The good news is, that’s where I can help you.
So why not get in touch today and start the journey of changing your unwanted behaviours to the ones you want.
TRAUMA - Heal Childhood Trauma
Many of us have painful childhood memories and these painful memories become a blueprint for the beliefs we hold about ourselves and our world.
These memories can often produce unwanted behaviours and patterns of thinking that don’t support us in adult life. And left unchecked, they create exactly the situations we are trying to avoid.
If you suffer from past trauma, you’re not alone and help is at hand. I can help you free yourself from your childhood trauma, so you can go on to live a full and rich life.
FINANCES & CAREER - Breakthrough Your Glass Ceiling
How many times have you wished you could just breakthrough a glass ceiling? You know others have done it but somehow, you just don’t seem to be able to. If this is you and you’ve created a glass ceiling in your finances or career that’s holding you back from the success you want and deserve, then it’s time to get help.
Because not getting help means you’ll just keep going round and round in circles. And that doesn’t help you or the people around you. It’s time to take action and breakthrough your ‘imaginary’ glass ceiling. Because it really is, all in your head.
Success Stories.
Marcus Corah
Since 2008 I’ve helped thousands of clients overcome a wide range of personal challenges.
As a qualified Cognitive Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner, Coach and ETF Practitioner and a Reiki Master, I have a broad spectrum of tools to help you overcome your challenges too, so you can thrive in every area of your life.
I’m here to help you create positive and lasting change in your life.
Book a breakthrough session today and see the change you want in your life. I charge $150 per session, which is approximately 90 minutes long.